Wednesday, 4 December 2019
Thursday, 28 November 2019
Monday, 18 November 2019
Tuesday, 12 November 2019
adding detail task
WALT add supporting detail/ideas to our writing
WALT write a range of correct sentence types
During the holiday, I went to the beach with my friends. We saw there was a volleyball net. We asked a family if we could borrow their volleyball. We played volleyball for about an hour then had some lunch. Before we went home, we gave the volleyball back to the family. I had a lot of fun at the beach with my friends.
Read this simple recount.
What do you notice about the recount?
- Heaps of the sentences started with we
- What could we add to this recount to make it more detailed?
- If we could talk about more stuff in your sentences
Edit this recount above to make it more detailed:
WALT write a range of correct sentence types
During the holiday, I went to the beach with my friends. We saw there was a volleyball net. We asked a family if we could borrow their volleyball. We played volleyball for about an hour then had some lunch. Before we went home, we gave the volleyball back to the family. I had a lot of fun at the beach with my friends.
Read this simple recount.
What do you notice about the recount?
- Heaps of the sentences started with we
- What could we add to this recount to make it more detailed?
- If we could talk about more stuff in your sentences
Edit this recount above to make it more detailed:
During the holiday, I went to the beach with my friends and my parent’s. We saw there was a volleyball net. We asked a family if we could borrow their volleyball net. We played volleyball for about an hour then had some lunch. Before we went home, we gave the volleyball back to the family. I had a lot of fun at the beach with my friends and parents.
Thursday, 7 November 2019
Thursday, 31 October 2019
Wednesday, 30 October 2019
Friday, 25 October 2019
dimic 1
today we did dimic were we had three object's and we had to work out how many combinations the are in those thee object's
Monday, 14 October 2019
life"s a stage
Today was the first day of term 4 we did writing and then we did this every time when it's a start for a new term we do a new korero and we had to write all od these
Monday, 23 September 2019
dangerous writing challenge
Today we did a dangerous writing challenge if you stop writing it would delete your work
Once upon a time there was a girl who lived with her grandma. Grandma asked if the girl wanted to go to the pet shop and feed them. She said yes so they got there jumpers on and hopped in the car. They drove there listening to music. When they arrived they got excited and quickly jumped out and walked .they saw dogs cats and parrots she wanted to look at the parrot. She went up close to it. she asked grandma to see if they could feed it. Grandma asked if they could feed it the workers said yes so the workers opened the cage and then suddenly the parrot went crazy and flew everywhere. She got scared and the girl got freaked out. She gaped when the parrot went on her head.
Once upon a time there was a girl who lived with her grandma. Grandma asked if the girl wanted to go to the pet shop and feed them. She said yes so they got there jumpers on and hopped in the car. They drove there listening to music. When they arrived they got excited and quickly jumped out and walked .they saw dogs cats and parrots she wanted to look at the parrot. She went up close to it. she asked grandma to see if they could feed it. Grandma asked if they could feed it the workers said yes so the workers opened the cage and then suddenly the parrot went crazy and flew everywhere. She got scared and the girl got freaked out. She gaped when the parrot went on her head.
Friday, 20 September 2019
Thursday, 19 September 2019
Something in the water
Hi welcome to my animation about something in the water. this is my rocky shore. This term we have been learning about the rocky shore and some of the creatures that live on the rocky shore.
The sea creature that I picked was a crab. A crab is a crustacean. It has a hard shell on the outside. It has 8 legs and 2 pincers. They live on the rocky shore.
These are the different parts of the crab
This is my food chain that I will animate.
Crabs like to eat mussels. A mussel is the crabs prey.
A seagull is a bird that loves to eat crabs.The seagull is an apex predator and it is a predator of the crab.
after one seagull eats a crab an army of seagulls feed on the rest dropping like bombs on the crabs
Thanks for watching
Wednesday, 4 September 2019
5 minute challenge
we did a 5 minute drawing challenge and this is my writing
once upon a time there was a mouse that acts like a spy it was like mission impossible but mouse version there was a gig big peace of cheese on a mouse trap it was attached to rope and dressed in spy clothes it had spy gadgets with it on the back it had a needle and that's it. the mouse went closer and closer so the needle can reach the cheese and poke it because the mouse goes to get the cheese than the mouse trap will go snap on the mouse than dead so that's why a mouse has to be a spy it poked the cheese and snap it was loud the mouse flinched it fell down but it still managed to get back up and get back home safely
once upon a time there was a mouse that acts like a spy it was like mission impossible but mouse version there was a gig big peace of cheese on a mouse trap it was attached to rope and dressed in spy clothes it had spy gadgets with it on the back it had a needle and that's it. the mouse went closer and closer so the needle can reach the cheese and poke it because the mouse goes to get the cheese than the mouse trap will go snap on the mouse than dead so that's why a mouse has to be a spy it poked the cheese and snap it was loud the mouse flinched it fell down but it still managed to get back up and get back home safely
Tuesday, 3 September 2019
Monday, 2 September 2019
Wednesday, 28 August 2019
Wednesday, 21 August 2019
information report
Common name:octopus
Scientific name:octopodes
Te Reo Māori wheke
→this is my information report about octopuses
→ pacific island,red sea,black sea,north sea.adriatic sea.
→ octopuses eat crabs and mollusks and snail and slugs and shrimp and also small fish.
Behaviour/ movement
→ camouflage turn purple when see predator
Special features (adaptations)
Include a labelled diagram in this section
camouflage turn purple when see predator
→ hope you enjoyed me showing you my facts of an octopus
Monday, 19 August 2019
dangerous writing challenge
today room 10 and I tried the dangerous writing challenge this was my one.
Once upon a time there was a house that had a pool inside there home there car got driven into the pool by accident. They were driving to fast they couldn't stop fast enough and then the car sunk to the bottom. They were freaking out because they did,int know what to do because there friends were coming to there house in 3 hours. They immediately took the car apart and so they can take the pieces out one by one.
it was hard and last time i couldn't post anything because i kept failing
Once upon a time there was a house that had a pool inside there home there car got driven into the pool by accident. They were driving to fast they couldn't stop fast enough and then the car sunk to the bottom. They were freaking out because they did,int know what to do because there friends were coming to there house in 3 hours. They immediately took the car apart and so they can take the pieces out one by one.
it was hard and last time i couldn't post anything because i kept failing
Thursday, 1 August 2019
Friday, 26 July 2019
Thursday, 25 July 2019
Wednesday, 24 July 2019
Tuesday, 23 July 2019
dimic 1 term 3
today our dimic was about five octopuses we had to figure out how many legs are holding on to the rocks becaue the current is fast
Monday, 22 July 2019
something's in the water
this term I want to learn about all of the fish in the water. I want to know how many whales fish and crab species there are. carl typed in vampire crab I never knew about. there are some things that other people thought of that I did'int think of and also I want to know what fish eat.
Monday, 15 July 2019
matariki light show
on Saturday we went to the final matariki light trail we weren't gonna go but then my mum called two of her sisters She asked if they were going and then they said yes so then our Mum said we could go. our brother jordan came as well
when we arrived there was no parking so then we parked at great Tong before we left for matariki we brang our lights that we got from last time. we got out of the car and we walk towards te oro where the light trail is.we had a bit of food and this place where you have a sticky note and write what you want to achieve better and then at the back you have to write your phone number. we had a bit more food we walked down the long path and in the front there are these two light guards that looked like Royal guards from the Queen's castle when I stepped in front of the two light guards I thought I was in light Heaven it was so colourful. there was this long path that we had to keep walking on.
there are heaps of people to come and see the last day of the matariki light trail at one point I saw my friend Sheldon that goes to my school on England yours Reindeers like reddish looking close at a no I couldn't see properly because It was dark. the fireworks were about to start she still didn't find our cousins aunties and cousins my mum called them we were actually close they were just a little bit further away from us they were near the two white Swans
finally we met them my sister and I had a light fight we started fighting with the lights we had a challenge and I definitely won I kept on dodging her hits. when the fight ended they were doing the countdown started from 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 and then boom there was loud music playing Fireworks we're going crazy it was going everywhere there was this PAK'nSAVE man who sponsored them so they can do the fireworks and it was only 10 minutes after the song was like a rock song it was so cool my brother wanted to come with his mates his mates took long so then he missed out he just hung out with his mates at Dunkirk then we all came home it was all finished for the day.
Tuesday, 2 July 2019
Monday, 1 July 2019
eating cockroaches
~ Creepy Crawlies ~
Recount Writing
WALT use simple, compound and complex sentences in our writing.
Step 1: Take part in the experience with the class!
Step 2: Plan for your writing
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Kids eating big cockroaches
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What we were eating big cockroaches
When the 24th of june 2019
Where in room 10 which is my class
Why because our teachers wanted to see if thier friends are kind like would your friend give you a cockroach or a chocolate
Who my class room 10
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3-4 Experiences
What do you see, hear, feel, smell, taste
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Descriptive language/ elaborate:
Conclusion: How are you going to finish your recount?
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Step 4: Start writing.
→ today we came to class we sat on the ground then miss started talking she said that we are going to eat cockroaches and lollies we had to put a blindfold on because it is surprise my friend was an enemy he gave me a cockroach and it tasted like the worlds biggest raisin and i hated raisins i first put the blind fold on. My arch nemesis carl put one of the two in my mouth straight away i knew it was a cockroach it was squishy and disgusting when I eat the cockroach i took it off and it was my enemy’s turn im for sure giving him a cockroach he put the blindfold on and i gave it to him he kept his mouth shut and wouldn't eat it I thought he was acting like a baby he said give it to me so i did he took the blindfold off and just went outside to throw it in the bin i said wow in the end miss said it wasn't cockroaches which all of us already knew she said it was just dates which is dried fruit. Some people got lollies it was all over then we started to do normal stuff.
Monday, 24 June 2019
Friday, 21 June 2019
Tuesday, 18 June 2019
dmc week 8
me and bryston's work that we failed on we had to try and draw the mountain and then put the blue tack where the light house and the radio transmitter
Friday, 7 June 2019
Tuesday, 28 May 2019
Friday, 24 May 2019
Thursday, 23 May 2019
Tuesday, 21 May 2019
Monday, 20 May 2019
Thursday, 16 May 2019
Wednesday, 15 May 2019
old cottage
Once upon a time there was a dark creepy cottage in the middle of nowhere there was dirty grass growing on top there were shattered glass in the cottage it looked like it was abandoned when i walked in the house i hated the wind whistling through my face because I thought something was gonna jumpscare me so i ran out and never went there again.
Tuesday, 14 May 2019
Monday, 13 May 2019
Tuesday, 7 May 2019
Friday, 3 May 2019
Wednesday, 1 May 2019
Tuesday, 30 April 2019
Wednesday, 10 April 2019
Term 1 Animation - Better Together
This is my animation for Term 1. Our theme was Better Together. My animation is about putting the chairs down in class and showing team work. If we help each other it makes the job go faster.
My second animation is about picking up the rubbish and putting it in the bin.
My second animation is about picking up the rubbish and putting it in the bin.
Tuesday, 9 April 2019
Tuesday, 2 April 2019
Thursday, 28 March 2019
Tuesday, 26 March 2019
Friday, 22 March 2019
marshmallow and speghetti
this morning my class and I did a marshmallow and spaghetti test it is who ever can make the tallest tower wins it was so fun
Thursday, 21 March 2019
voice over
fakalofa lahi atu welcome to my animation my name is kristopher my animation is about team work i hope you enjoy I am going to put down the chairs and do the same with the other chairs as well.
My second animation is about taking care of our own chromebooks i want to help by opening the chromebook cupboard and get my friends to get there chromebooks out to put on the table ready to start the day
This is my third animation its about helping others like the teacher when i go inside i take off the imac cover and behind is a button that turns it on and so miss doesn't
I hope you enjoy my hyperstudio and remember to be kind and help others feel free to comment on my blog and see you next time
Friday, 15 March 2019
camp writing
Camp is a program at this school for year six and fives. Camp started on March the 8th. Mr Burt started it because he thought it would be cool for us. One of our activities that we did was cyclo ball. We basically played soccer with bikes!
One of my favourite activities was Slide on with Mr Somerville. We did slip and slide. It was super fun when me and Chaun slid down. I kept on rolling because it was super slippery and I could not stop. On the long one chaun swam to the end when he didn't make it he swam like a turtle on sand.
At night there was our camp concert. We all had to dance. Batay went first and performed their dance that they had been practising. I thought their dance and chant was awesome. Next was Mali mali katoa. Their dance
For breakfast we had cereal like corn flakes, rice bubbles and weetbix. I ate corn flakes because I just like them chaun finished it way before me.
We grabbed our big bags and put them in our tents. I didn’t know I was with two of my friends until I got to my tent. After we put our bags in our tents, we went to the pools. We got changed into our togs and when we got there we walked to the shower and got ourselves wet. Chaun, Aaron and I played this game where whoever got to the other end of the pool first won.
I learned from camp that you have to work as a team and then you might take a victory.
Wednesday, 13 March 2019
ordering fraction
in this activity we had to put fractions in order the first one was easy but the next one was decent but the one after that it was hard
Tuesday, 12 March 2019
measuring fractions
today we learnt about fractions with string we were measuring where our towels were hung up we got a marker to mark where our towels were we folded the string to try work it out and eventually we might get it right.
Friday, 15 February 2019
the fruit activity
this week for maths we have been doing a fruit activity so we had to get paper and cut t and then ask people what there favourite fruit is
Thursday, 14 February 2019
learning about data
we were earning about how many sugar is in our snacks we had to go in our groups and write down what we think and then at the end we had to look at latiana unhealthy bottle and look at how much sugar is in her bottle
Wednesday, 13 February 2019
healthy and unhealthy snacks
For maths we are learning about statistics. Statistics means doing an investigation we were investigating how healthy our snacks should be. and we split in three and work together
Monday, 11 February 2019
finding the mistakes
WALT: use full stops and capital letters correctly in our writing.
The writing below has some missing full stops and capital letters! Can
you find the mistakes?
you find the mistakes?
In December last year I went on a trip to Western Australia. It was the
first time I had been there since I was two years old. While I was there
I had many adventures and saw a lot of wildlife. I saw Lizards and a
range of Birds and Frogs and kangaroo and snakes and fish and quokka
and stingray.
first time I had been there since I was two years old. While I was there
I had many adventures and saw a lot of wildlife. I saw Lizards and a
range of Birds and Frogs and kangaroo and snakes and fish and quokka
and stingray.
One of the highlights of my trip was when I climbed 61 metres up a tree
to a fire lookout there was an amazing view from the top i could see right
over the treetops and into the distance. Treetop lookouts like this one were
once used to keep an eye out for bushfires.
to a fire lookout there was an amazing view from the top i could see right
over the treetops and into the distance. Treetop lookouts like this one were
once used to keep an eye out for bushfires.
It was 44 degrees celsius on the day I left Perth and there was a
big bushfire which had started a couple of hours down the road as a result.
There were thunderstorms rumbling around the city. In the plane we flew
near a thunderstorm which was absolutely amazing.
big bushfire which had started a couple of hours down the road as a result.
There were thunderstorms rumbling around the city. In the plane we flew
near a thunderstorm which was absolutely amazing.
After sitting on the plane for six and a half hours the plane landed in
Auckland. We were told it was 21 degrees this was 23 degrees colder
than in Perth I was cold.
Auckland. We were told it was 21 degrees this was 23 degrees colder
than in Perth I was cold.
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