Monday, 11 December 2017
Monday, 4 December 2017
Australia SLJ 16/17 W1 A1
In the holidays I want to go to Australia because it looks like a nice places I saw this video. when I was watching it I was like wow. In that photo I saw heaps of beautiful islands or places , and heaps of water. I was a little angry at my friend because he got to go to Australia.
Tuesday, 7 November 2017
penpal letters
Dear arlo
Thank you for the letter my favourite toy is a drone with a camera.When we went to stardom it was cool as.John is the one who works at the stardom.I like my friends they always play handball with me.I do like pizza especially my best friend hendrix.Have you slept over at cousins house but outside in a tent with all your other cousins. I think it was easter egg day. Do you like dolphins because the picture you sent us is picture of dolphins. Do you like Ninjago lego I do because there are lego people in the lego.
I hope you are having fun.
From Kris
Thursday, 26 October 2017
playing recorders
today this morning we were learning about music we were just trying to do just one beat.The instrument that we were playing is called a recorder it was hard where learning to do c&d note when we were done practising ms lets us go in groups but my friends was blowing the
recorder to hard.We went on the mat we did the c note or the d note we took turns in a circle from left or right after that we put the recorder in a box then we went to faree fono with fire saf. We took our shoes off out side. we sang Whakaaria mai the song was fine we played a game it was called I don't know what it is that is how I won because she went the wrong way then it was other kids turn in my class we went back to class and did more writing I think instruments was cool.
Thursday, 19 October 2017
musical madness
We walked in the hall with our hands behind our back. We sat down and it was term 4. When we sat down I was like why is some of the teachers dressed up. But I forgot they always dress up because it is a new term I felt happy because I got to see my friends again.
When we watched Mr Burt and Mr Jacobson and ms Nua Mr Somerville they made up a song it was cool Mr Jacobson used a trumpet and Mr Burt used a guitar mss nua used a weird thing that you shake Mr somerville played the drums and Mr wisemen. I like when we have a new term because it is all about music and they act the year one teachers act first.
First they put four chairs on the stage because there were four of them. ms Gaston sat on the chair first and she sang a song then another teacher came on the stage next to the one singing then another one came on. lucky last then another teacher came on. And then they all went off one at a time after it was team 2s turn they were playing snap and they were changing the music first they started off with no music and they do different emotions one of them was scary and they were acting to be scared they did some other songs than it was team 3s turn team 3s one was funny what ever they said the song rimes with 4s one was funny too it was about teachers in a car. And playing music and what the music sounds like they do what the song is playing.when they got to school they were still moving but they saw Mr Jacobson
Looking angry but when he put his window all the way down he was playing loudmusic to. Now it was team 5s turn it was about pretending to be a family and watching the lion king they all had popcorn when they were watching heaps of different songs they did let it go when the monkey was holding Simba i think.
Thursday, 28 September 2017
duffy books
Today we got our Duffy books we were suppose to give them yesterday I got the ghost book and I got a star-lord book. There was a mincraft book but Chaun went first because he had to go to the dental clinic and he took my favourite book next someone else went and grabbed bad guys which was a cool book and then it was Jezer's turn he was my friend and he took the ningago book witch was my 4th favourite book and the books that I picked was on top it is star-lord and ghost. Thank you for my Duffy books.
Wednesday, 27 September 2017
trip to pt england
In the morning I was getting ready for school we had to listen to Mr Burt. After that we started to head to the Pt England beach. When we got there Mr Burt and these other Pt England people were all ready there. Next we were there and we sung like four or three songs. Kuari flats school only caught 4 flounder. The people who were catching flounder they had a huge net. We just headed back to school and did some writing.
Friday, 22 September 2017
rocket writing
My rocket ship looks like a robot boxer. my rocket is mostly orange and it is strong it has arms that are heavy. my boosters have rollers I don't know why but it still looks cool. I like my rocket because orange is my 4th favourite colour. I love the nose cone because it is Silva and that is my second favourite colour
When it is my first time going on the moon or on another planet if we had to train I might try my best. When I am finally going to Uranus I would be so happy and nervous. I think it will take 15 years when
t starts to take off I think the auganizer will
say 10, 9, 8, 7, 6, 5, 4, 3, 2, 1 blast off! It was rumbling and I felt like I needed to spu up.
My trip was going to uranus’ when the rocket went in space there was millions of stars it was like I was in the star wars world in space.when I was in space sitting in my rocket I saw mars it was really red I l thought it was lava because it was moving but it was just us moving.Later on I was like wow that is real big. It was jupiter it had like 150 moons. It was cool again wow i like this planet it has heaps of little rings it was saturn.and finally we
Friday, 1 September 2017
Yesterday, all the Year 3s and Year 4s got on a bus to go to the Stardome.when we were in the bus I was playing I dare you with lorenzo. I won and lorenzo had to close the window for the whole time but when he won he said to open it again for the last time I won and I said leave it open. 1 minute ago we finally got there.
At the Stardome, we learned some really cool things about our solar system. First John told us the rules in the stardome when he finished talking we went into the space room. He told us is there is rocky planets and dwarf planets and little planets! John said which is the biggest star or the special star. We had to put our hand up someone got picked and they said the sun it was right.
When we weren’t in the Stardome, we were having fun outside.We played connect three it is like connect four. Every game Teingoa’s dad keeps winning but one game Teingoa won. After that we played tag.
After all this, we headed back to Point England School.We got to class and got our Lunch because when we got back the bell just rung I think. I think we went on math whizz when i got on math whizz jezer was beating me.
Friday, 18 August 2017
The Moon
the moon was probably made 4.5 billion years ago when a large object hit the earth and and blasted out rocks that came together to orbit around the earth the moon is much smaller then the earth it is airless water less and lifeless the gravity of the moon causes two high tides on the earth everyday the first person to walk on the moon was the Astronaut Neil armourstrong he staped out of his space craft the eagle on 20st of july 1969 and said these famous words thats one small step for man one giant leap for man kind.
Friday, 28 July 2017
Once upon a time there lived a person who really wanted to go to space. The person got in his jeep and drove everywhere until he found a place with rockets and that it only cost 100$.He just had enough money so he hoped in the rocket and headed off to space. At space they saw the they hopped out and they said wow i can flout the person who flew him there said that's enough playing now and he said let's explore some other planets. So again they hopped back into the rocket then they saw saturn they hopped out but when they hopped out they saw a alien. They got scared so they went back to earth.when they got to earth it was very early in the morning. The man had to go to his car and turn the lights on. And he had to ride back home.And the man who took him to space hoped in his car to and drove back home.
Thursday, 27 July 2017
The Sun
the sun is the largest star in our solar system. However there are many stars like it in the wider universe. The earth is just the right distance from the sun.that our planet is not to hot our to cold.The light from the sun takes 8 minutes to reach earth.and gives life to plantes. Astronaut will never be able to land on the sun.As it reaches 5000-500 degrees celsies. 100 times hoter then humans can stand.the sheer size of the sun means that its gravitational pull forces all the planets in our solar system.To orbit around it. born 5 billion years ago the sun has been producing heat and light for a very long time .
Friday, 30 June 2017
Fairy Bread
On thursday we made fairy bread. first we washed our hands and put one glove on. After that we got a piece of bread.we got a knife.we buttered the bread.we put some different kind of sweet and crunchy sprinkles we got a shape cutter or something’ and shaped it like a star.when know one ate a piece of the bread i was sneaky and i took I bite of it my friends were going to tell on me.but chaun took a bite to we asked miss Davis if we could eat it now chuan was eating the whole thing very fast. Me and siua were like wow he must be a hunguest. It was fun making it and i hope we do it again.
Wednesday, 21 June 2017
two bunnies
In a place there were to bunnies. one was white and the other one was brown.there were to parents and two kids they were all runing.the bunnies were going to crush the cars and smash the buildings. maybe they qwickly grabbed there phone and dialed 911 for the swat team .people were scared because they would get eaten.they had to escape .so they had to find a place some where are they supposed to earn money. And who is going to get rid of the bunnies.if they dont they will destroy the hole world.people would be sad and they worked hard to afford the house.i could see the bunnies with a person in the mouth
Friday, 16 June 2017
Long ago it was completely dark there was no stars in the sky but there was only a taniwha it was in the lake and people would be in great danger. The next day there lived a young warrior he was not scared to fight a Taniwha his name was Tamarereti. tamarereti felt hungry he looked in his kete but there was nothing so he got his waka and used a net to catch some fish. he pulled the fish up onto his boat the wind ware off Tamarereti was tied he thought there were plenty of time to have a sleep. When he woke up the wind beached the boat to land.Tamarereti cooked his fish that he catched. When they were cooked and he was starting to eat the fish he was thinking how to get home. But he was wise he had seen many shiny pebbles he tried to grab as many as he could.he threw the pebbles hi in the sky. When they appeared in the sky it turned into stars he was so happy because people won't be in danger and every buddy can see what there doing.
Tuesday, 13 June 2017
Guardians of the Galaxy Part 2
In the weekend my cousin Stevenson rang me on the phone. He said “do you want to come and watch the movie Guardian of the Galaxy with me?” I said “yes!” My cousins Flora, Elijah, Siaku, Faith and and aunty Wilma went too. They said I looked like the best in the car. I think it’s because my jacket looks cool.
We drove to the movies. When we got there we went to get some snacks. Wilma said I looked like the bomb. I waited and waited then Wilma said we’re going in now.
We got in and we were siting in the second to front row. There were two girls at the front but at the edge of the row. Siaku and I watched a little bit of the movie, then we went to the front.
The movie was about Peter and his team fighting a giant colossal octopus and baby Groot dancing and having fun. I really enjoyed this movie.
Friday, 26 May 2017
making paper planes
On monday we made airplanes, first we watched a video it told us one way. Next I got a piece of paper I forgot how to make one so I asked Teingoa to help me. I asked Miss Davis if we could just play with our planes. Then Kitione thought of a new way to make a airplane when julianna saw it she wanted kitione to make her one but he didn't so they just carried on. Our time was up we had to fly them. l waited until it was my turn. When it was our turn i felt nervous a little because I didn't know who was going to win. When green group stood up kitione was excited but I was nervous. When Miss Davis said go, I threw my plane as hard as I could Kitione’s plane landed and then mine my one was right beside Kitiones.
But kitiones plane went just a little bit longer then mine. I was a little bit happy because I almost came first. the champions out of their groups was chaun, Kelly, Kitione, Leigharna and Troy they all stood in a line and they threw their planes. Everyone got out i don't know why. it was only kelly and someone else. For the last time they flew their planes and kelly won at the end I felt angry because I didn't make it in the championship. After that Miss Davis said we’re going to have the grand final challenge but then she just said we can just fly our planes anywhere in our class bay. After we put our planes away and did something else.
Friday, 12 May 2017
It was so dark that people will be in big danger.The taniwha lived under the sea if there is anyone near his home the will be eaten.Tamarereti woke up he felt hungry so he went in his waka to catch some fish.Tamarereti calt three large fish but the wind ware off tamarereti thought it will be plenty of time to have a nap.When the wind came back and the waka beached itself to an island tamarereti woke up.Tamarereti lit a fire to cook the fish and he was thinking how to get home then he saw some shiny pebbles on the ground he grabbed some and went in his waka.Tamarereti put as many shiny pebbles in his hand as he could and put them in the waka.e through as many shiny pebbles as hard as he could in the sky then it help him go back to his village.And tamarereti made the whole sky beautiful with those shiny pebbles made stars.
Tuesday, 11 April 2017
Tuesday, 4 April 2017
My Clever Kash
In the weekend I got a clever kash and my sister does too. It shows how much money you have. I have to work hard because I have to earn $15 dollars a week because I want to get $1000 dollars so I can go all by my self to Niue. That's what my mum said.
My clever kash is called the Brainstorm Gangster.
It was just a yellow elephant. If we do our chores every day we get one dollar every day. I am trying to do some of my chores because if we do it our mum can donate 1 dollar.
My clever kash is called the Brainstorm Gangster.
It was just a yellow elephant. If we do our chores every day we get one dollar every day. I am trying to do some of my chores because if we do it our mum can donate 1 dollar.

The World's smallest Dragon
The world’s smallest dragon is an amazing creature. It is so tiny that it can sit on only two fingers of a human hand. A dragon has wings too. They have a hairy tail. Smoke comes out of it’s nose.
Caring for this creature is a challenging task and should not be taken on without serious thought. My dragon is sleeping in the kitchen where there is
food and water. My dragon eat and drinks water and food. Dragons are playful creatures and they love to play games with children. If I had a dragon I would play hide and seek and we played on the bike track.
Friday, 24 March 2017
our swimming recount
Room 14 went swimming and me. When I first started swimming I felt a little bit nervous. When I went in the water I wasn't nervous at all because chaun and siua are my best friends and they were in my group. before we went in the water we went for a shower. when all of us finished having a shower it was really cold but it wasn't that cold for me because I was excited. I was really excited for the first time swimming with my friends i started to get nervous again because I don't know if i'm going to be with my to best friends. siua is my very best friend because he helps me when I slip we have to hop in the water safely we have to put our whole head in the water so our we can get wet the in water we do a streamline then we have to swim to the island
Friday, 24 February 2017
the picnic day
Last Friday Pt England School went to the hall and mr burt said on our way to the beach we are not allowed to play on the park. Then we were on our way to Pt England Reserve. We put our bags down. Then Siua was playing around me and Chuan Siua got dirty. Chaun and I went to the beach to build a sand castle. I went back to the mat and I ate some of my lunch. When i finished eating my food. Next siua came and me and siua were just talking about two of siua sisters who are stronger then him.Chuan came and I said what happened to you and he said my other friends buried him. 
Friday, 17 February 2017
Duffy kid show

Friday, 10 February 2017
Jack finds a best friend
Once upon a time there was a little robot called Jack.He was hopeless and was lost in the trash yard.Jack found a box he tape on for the smile. so he can have a friend.But his friend was not that fun because it was fake then a real friend came and jack was,not lonely again. Jack and the girl matched.
Thursday, 9 February 2017
About me
Hello my name is Kris I am 7 years old. I go to Pt England school. My favorite subject is maths.My favorite colour is green.I like going to the movies. My favorite game is
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