
Thursday, 2 July 2020

great white shark writing

One day I got a call from someone and they let me have a chance to go diving with great white sharks.
I said oh I have to ask my parents first.So I said hold on and I went to ask.My parents said yes I came
running back to them that I could go.Once I told them that sent me a location that I can't show.

I said bye to my parents and got in my car and left.I couldn’t believe that I was gonna swim with a great
white shark.I saw the place.As I was pulling up to find a parking spot I saw two men with scuba diving
suits and they were on a boat.

The instructors told me to hurry up because I might miss it.I didn’t want to see I hurried up.I chucked on
my scuba suit and hopped in the cage that was going in the water.They pulled the lever and I went
underwater slowly.I saw a great white shark.It thought I was threatening it so it charged at me.

The tooth of the great white shark was stuck in the metal bar but it pulled it back out again it rushed at
me again and its tooth got stuck but instead its tooth was pulled out of its mouth that's when those guys
pulled me to surface.and I gotta say bye and thank you because I went home with a shark tooth.


  1. i like your excitement and creative writing. Well done

  2. WOW! Kristopher, just by reading your post I have learnt alot about sharks. I am very curious to know what you did with the shark's tooth you took home.

  3. This is a fantastic piece of creative writing - I'm really excited to see what expressive and interesting language you have used; e.g. "I pulled on the lever and I went underwater slowly.' Keep up the fantastic work.


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