after morning tea some children went outside and also our teacher came out to show
some of us heaps of my friends came outside alwell to fly a drone. We flew the drone
at the bike track we did it because some of us did it last time like me the drone flew
like superman but way slower when he was showing us all of the kids were listening
To Mr Moran At The Star my friend SAnd chaun Put Christmas tree far away
Mr moran flew the drone to the tree and all the way back only some not all flew
the drone. the bell went and then we went back inside
PARAGRAPH : THE DETAILS! Mr moran was telling us that there
was a G.P.S installed in the the drone so when it fly far away
it can tell where it is mr moran also told us that wherever you
fly it it would always go back from were it took off. And G.P.S
stands for global positioning can track from all over
the world it is like using a xbox or even a ps4 controller the
good thing about the drone is it has a camera in it so when
you fly it somewhere you can see the footage and you can see
the view that the drone is even seeing as well